A surprise visit

I have had a good day....and in part unexpected.
This morning really early, a message from my nephew saying his son (far left just in case you were wondering, haha) was going for a flight (to get his hours up) to Timaru.  And would we like to go out to the airport for a catchup and coffee.
Beni who is 19, is a student at the Aviation Academy in Christchurch and will graduate in May of this year.....then the skies the limit, pun intended !!
It was so neat to see them again, with lots to talk about.  In the background is the small plane they flew down in. We’re all squinting badly into the sun, but Beni wanted to get the plane in the background.
This afternoon I visited my friend in hospital after her shoulder replacement yesterday, she is doing well and should be home tomorrow all going well.

0° at 7am this morning, brrrr.  

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