Mixed Weather

But mostly damp and dismal. This was taken during a brief clearing but the clouds are closing. This coming weekend will make eight out of the last ten weeks of rain. We’re grateful for the water but does it all have to come at once?

A phone call from Bob just now reminded us that we completely forgot Maggie’s zoom class. Bob said he was worried about us because we never forget but I said this week is a little different from most weeks too. Mornings, usually my best time of day has gotten a bit slower lately. John has learned how to make coffee and brought me some in bed this morning. That threw us both off schedule,  I guess. I’ve never been a fan of eating in bed but this morning was an exception.

I think I’ve reached a plateau in my recovery. It’s definitely a lot of work! My muscles are getting used to the new knee and are protesting at doing things they haven’t been asked to do for awhile.

I had a different physical therapist today (they work in pairs). She dug her elbow into my hip and other spots and we worked on flexion and extension. The former was designed to release those tight muscles and felt good; the latter is essential but definitely does NOT feel good! We talked dogs, as you do and she told me about hers…two English mastiff/blue heeler mixes and a bloodhound her husband brought home. He sounds like a bit of a home wrecker…the bloodhound, not the husband , although she sounded a bit annoyed with him for not telling her he was bringing home a new, not so well behaved, family member.

My brother and his wife are coming for a brief visit on Thursday. I’m looking forward to the company, and I’m sure John is looking forward to having a little help in the kitchen…

I’m optimistically hoping for a decent amount of sleep tonight . I don’t even care if it is all consecutive hours, but it would be nice if they added up to 6 or 8.


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