Hello Kitty

Our new home came with two gorgeous black cats. They were very shy when we first arrived but they've accepted us without complaint. Often Little Man and I are the first ones up, so I've been feeding them when I give Little Man his meals. I'm very happy about having the cats. In our old rental place, we had a wood fire, here, it's gas and controlled by remote control. We've barely used it since we've arrived and the cats seem to enjoy using it as a vantage point to see what's happening (when it's off).

The weather today has been very different to the last two or three days. Its been overcast with rain on and off all day. Little Man and I still went out for walks but we were back in our winter weather gear. We went round to the second hand shop to drop a few things off, and I found some decent knitting needles (almost all of mine are still in boxes in England). I'm planning to attempt to learn a new type of stitch once my current project is finished. We'll see how it goes.

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