Pink camellia perfection

I made a wee diversion on the way to the gym this morning to post a birthday card through Bruce's letter box. Along the way I passed a magnificent camellia bush displaying the fine specimen blipped.

My second outing of the day was an errands loop and coffee/tea date with Mr hazelh this afternoon. We started at Crombies for sausages and a discussion with Simon about the price of lamb, called in at Curiouser to look at Roka backpacks, headed west to Dundas Street for coffee/tea and pains au chocolat at Cuckoo's bakery, then returned home via Tesco for items to supplement Mr hazelh's morning LIDL shop.  It was lovely to bump into meles along the way and enjoy a wee chat, mainly about ancestors.

Back home again I completed some admin related to the article that has featured in this journal on and off over the past few months. We now have three internal peer reviewers lined up to check it before submission to Archives journal, hopefully before the end of the month. I also made a halloumi, couscous and butterbean bake for supper and did the usual to prepare Mummy hazelh for the evening: she likes to have a shower and 'dress for dinner'. As ever, we all enjoyed the quizzes.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; swim (60 lengths); walking (17,690 steps).

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