
The badger was very active last night. I could see him from my bed while I was trying to sleep.
The swing cloths were all over the ground, soggy wet because of rain...now I need to replace them for Cat Jade today.
Just been editing these video clips now this minute...

Wildlife nighttime video
Badger was pulling and yanking at the swing cloths all night...they had all been tied on.
There is a whole pile more clips of last night and Pa Badger
Prior to this Foxy Loxy had snarled at him and chased him away. Foxy Loxy usually shares the peanuts, but he must have been hungry today. When Foxy Loxy left, Pa Badger came back, there were no peanuts left, and it looked like he was venting his frustrations on the swing cloths. He did this, on and off, for a few hours. In between this, Cat Jade slept on her disarrayed cloths until she heard Pa Badger come back. Jade goes to the back of the swing where I have tarpaulin covering garden stuff, and watches Pa Badger. Then she climbs straight back on the swing the moment he leaves.
2mins 5secs

Creative is my feelings today after the abortive visit to the bank (which is closing down in a few days) who were supposed to help me get on to Internet banking, but the bank lady failed. Also she failed in helping me as a deaf person, so I could communicate with them, which the bank letter and also texts as well from the bank promised to help me with if I personally called in. I had called in last week but the bank lady had said she couldn't do it last week, but said if I called in this week she could connect me up to Internet Banking.

This is my High Street at present, and this is only a fraction of the shops that have closed down or closing down since Christmas.

Even the Big Issue people have left, and there are no more people begging in doorways.

I am not very good at drawing buildings. I envy people who can...

Have your best kind of day.

Breakfast and a cup of tea for me now...


I will be back later to reply to comments...just been a bit busy...

EDIT: A bit further of an explanation about my Bank experience yesterday.
I had gone to my bank in the High Street yesterday because they were going to show me how to start up my banking app because they are now closing down. I did go at the beginning of last week but she said she couldn't do it because of something on my account last week. I do not understand why , but she assured me she could do it yesterday, Monday.

I had already downloaded the app, but I hadn't logged into it. The bank lady had told me to leave it until this Monday morning and she would show me how it worked and everything... and I thought fair enough it would save me some time.

How wrong I was...

The bank lady 'helping' me, insisted I did not have to do a complicated password just put your name of your favourite place and two numbers you can remember at the end of it, she said. That is secure, she said that is how I do all my passwords. Just think of a favourite place name and then she said, I just put a couple of numbers on the end. I do all my passwords like that she said. No one will know your favourite place she said?!?!?!? Social media and Facebook anyone, for those who document their lives online?

I think my jaw dropped....

No need for these fancy passwords, the bank lady insisted.

I told her I was having problems making a password because the keyboard within the app just gave me numbers and lowercase letters. No option for capitals or anything else. Which meant my password could only be lowercase letters and numbers, and I didn't find that very secure.

The bank lady repeats again, getting a bit impatient with me, just a name of place you like with two numbers at the end of it for your password. What the heck can you do for a secure password would be just lowercase letters and numbers? She was mithering me so much that I couldn't think in a very busy bank, and I came up with something, but I really needed more time at my own pace. And I thought, as soon as I get home, I can change it to something that can be as secure as possible.

So I worked something out, and the bank lady said you didn't need to work out all that...

Anyway, she clicks it into the app, and hands me my iPad back. I tell her, you told me you were going to show me how to use the app.

I can't do that today, she said, you've got to wait for the authorisation code. I reach for my phone, assuming it is going to come on the phone.

Oh no, she said it will come by post, coming in about 7 to 10 days. I looked at her, the bank lady, and said but you'll be closed by then. Oh, she said well, we have an outreach centre which is starting about three weeks time, every Wednesday morning, just until July, so you have to wait to see that outreach lady.

Words failed me.

I walk out into the High Street and give out the most annoyed fart....

I return home to find a no reply text message from the bank on my phone. I could not understand the message. What I had also done while I was at the bank was I had paid off my credit card card in full for this month. And I have a receipt which says I have paid it in full. Imagine my confusion when this text message says that my direct debit each month for paying off my credit card will be the same sum of money that I have just paid off my credit card today, but that I still have to pay this month's credit card. What the f has this stupid bank clerk done.

I had more than lost the will to live yesterday....

Oh, and the cherry on the cake is I logged into the bank app (even though I can't get any further in it until I get this authorisation in 10 days when the bank is close) to check that the password worked, on my iPad. And Apple says oh you naughty girl this is an insecure password, we have already guessed what it was, can we put one of our funny passwords in for you instead. No I said. Because there's no way I can get into the App to correct or do anything....

Passwords do need to be secure, and this was a bank lady working in a bank advising old incompetent biddys like me a secure password is a name of your favourite place with 2 numbers on the end. And that was she did all her online passwords. I thought I was going to be able to redo this password the moment I got home when I had a bit more time to work it out properly. But I am unable to get in the app until I receive this authorisation code in 7-10 days time.

The weird thought has just occurred to me that maybe this is her revenge on the bank or causing confusion, for maybe, letting her go (I am assuming) after the bank closes down on the High Street here... because no way, can I believe that a bank clerk uses complete words and a couple of numbers on the end for all her online passwords. It's just not conceivable to me.

I do have a receipt for that full payment of my credit card (I have always gone in each month and paid it in full), but the no reply text message from the bank now says the same specific amount is now going out a for direct debit each month for that credit card, and now I've got to sort that out as well. What the heck was she playing at. She deliberately did something stupid. This cannot be incompetence...

I think this is the person (this particular bank clerk) who for whatever reason has done what she's done, it's not the bank as such...

According to the bank letter info saying it was closing down, that lady yesterday was meant to show me how to contact the bank with text relay, and give me the telephone number for using text relay to contact the bank in case of a problem. And there was something else she was meant to show me that as a deaf person I could use.
But the bank lady did not have a clue what I was talking about, even though I showed her a letter where it said the bank would explain to me these facilities.
There was more stuff she was meant to explain to me, about other alternative ways of using my bank facilities once they had closed down. And where they would be. All this was promised in my letter from the bank, and in some no reply text messages. I asked, she said she didn't know.

So that was yesterday.
And I felt really ill the rest of the day.
I really do not want to do Internet banking.
But I was prepared for someone to explain all the ins and outs and I was prepared to embrace it yesterday.
But after that level of service yesterday and incorrect information to an old lady ( me) about passwords etc I will not believe anything any more...

This Creative drawing this morning is the state of my High Street yesterday. There is more closed stuff than that.

I didn't write all this earlier because I knew it would end up a rant...

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