
By Hamp5on


Very very much an EB, despite having been out and about and had opportunity to take pics.
Asha got home at 4am, the boat was 2 hours slower than it should've been! She was hard to wake at 10. At 11 she had to be at a homework group prepping a presentation for school. Thank goodness all schools are off today. Nate had a chilled morning arranging his things in his room, and later going on his bike with Danny.
I attempted to get work done - there's so much to do for Wednesday and so many things and people in the week. It doesn't help that I'm feeling extremely grotty. I woke with a huge headache and am feeling very flu-y.
I walked to meet Asha halfway home after her prep session, hoping the sun and fresh air would perk me up. 
Danny took Nate to football training, so the EB is me doing Chaplaincy prep from my bed (my bed!!) with Asha reading next to me. I had a call from a woman who has found temporary accommodation (she's been in a scary squat til now) but it has no bedding whatsoever, she wanted a sleeping bag. Thankfully we'd got one left! Saw her briefly to hand it over and see she's OK. 
I ducked out of an evening zoom and went to bed early. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha being home safely and full of skiing stories! Sounds like she had a fantastic time.
2) Danny doing his best to create space for me to study.
3) Asha cheering up after starting the day as a 'supergrump'. Tiredness in anyone is hard, in a 12 nearly 13 year old it's  h a r d. 

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