Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Caerketton Craigs and the T-Wood

A day of mostly grey sky with occasional sun, cold though. On a wee walk around the park I noticed a thrush high in a tree. It flew off as soon as the camera was produced. Looking for something to photograph, I noticed a robin in an adjacent tree. A bit blurry though. There must have been a lot of rain last night as the mud is quite slippy.

In the afternoon, partner and I walk up to Swanston. A dark cloud appears and there is a little light rain, but it doesn't last  Quite busy at Swanston, i manage to get a photo of Caeketton Craigs and the T-Wood without people. Walking past the Coos, my partner notices a heron, Extra, No photos of deer this week, they didn't make an appearance. And while the far away munros could just about be seen, the snowy tops merged with the clouds to make them indistinct. But the heron is a nice extra.

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