Watching Shadows Move at IMT

...which supposedly stands for Instituto de Mobilidade e Transportes, but could possibly be better named Inventing Many Troubles... where we spent some hours today, waiting with many others, to see a human, and try to resolve our IMmobility issues. Today, she "from up there" actually descended and deigned to talk to us (the way they kept referring to her, I asked, in the end, if it was God they were talking about), and obviously thinks it's all ridiculous, and might get back to us... but at least we now have a date - 20th March - for us to get our car to Évora (illegally!) for an inspector to decide what colour it is. Sigh.

- Carlos (one of our Amigos, who is an undertaker) being able to help Bengt sort funeral arrangements, and Bengt being grateful for his kindness, and the privilege of being able to be a friend at a hard time
- having Netty and Rich's pickup so we could do these things
- hearing about good people in the midst of the awful situation in Sudan at the moment

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