Wearing a hat in the sunshine

Guest pusscat Tiggy is not keen to go outside although today she ventured out a few times, I left the door open and she scurried in and out. Her outings are short before a hasty return indoors, we suspect she cannot use the catflap and will try to help her with this in a few days. Otherwise she is the perfect visitor.

Blackcat Rory has been in the wars this last week, this morning he looked decidedly unhappy and growled in a low grumbling way. I thought it best to phone the vet who managed to fit him in this later afternoon. He is fine, just superficial wounds, a few of those poor boy, my concern was an abscess may be forming, now I don’t need to worry - until the next time. Yesterday a CP colleague called in to set up three cameras in the garden, we hope to identify the rogue cat and then decide what to do. Anyway a beautiful drive to see the vet with a few deer to be seen on the way home. Rory was a very good passenger.

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