Spherically speaking

The big camera was out today as I went down to the beach to get some ‘wave’ pictures for the next camera club meeting. Quite a few surfers out on the top road getting togged up in their wet suits when I walked the dogs this morning, so I surmised it would be a good day to go down there.
It was, one in extras just for the record.

Mono Monday this month being hosted by stujphoto - first time hoster, always great to see.

So whilst the camera was out I took hubbys paperweight I bought him some years ago and dropped it on the bed which actually worked quite well as a backdrop. And fits the theme of ‘sphere’ quite nicely.

Pilates first thing; both dogs out with me this morning which was a good walk around town in lovely weather. Another laser session, just one more to go on Thursday.

Callum went and joined the Retired Men’s Forum this morning and today it was a talk from Anglo American about The Woodsmith Project which he said was excellent and informative.

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