
A dry sunny day! 
We went for a walk round the Abbey ruins. 
The work seems to have stopped. Lots of mud and the ramps have had a few grass seeds thrown on the loose soil. The viewingmplatform is unfinished too. Apparently  the different parties have blamed the weather but as they started last October that is a pathetic excuse. I dont think the jobs will be completed before Easter. 
It was warm in the sun some paused for a sit to take in the view. Surprised to see the garden seats have been replaced. They others  didnt seem to be in bad condition. 

Teatime walk was pleasant although the air felt icy. The theme for this weeks camera group was clouds. 2 sets very different tonight. I should know what they are called, but not  sure.  Stratus and cirrocumulus? 

Thank you to everyone who has been kind enough to comment on my photos. It's always appreciated. 

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