An Ovoid Nestbox (MM528)

Catching up with a few jobs this morning, so a semi diary blip.
These woodcrete nest boxes were on offer when I last ordered bird-food so as the ones I put up a couple of years back have lasted well I bought this one to hang in the front garden.   Although our front garden faces South the three whitebeam trees provide good shade so the box shouldn't get too hot here, and be better shaded once the leaves develop. 

I have seen prospective tenants in the others, just no moving in yet.
The blackbirds are in their usual place in the hedge though.

There is a water bath below and I'll find a spare feeder to put in one of the other trees.   A view from ground level in the extras along with a wooden fruit alternative. .

More info on woodcrete here

Thanks to Stujphoto for hosting

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