Here Comes the Sun, Little Darlin'

And I say, it's alright!

I was out for my morning walk, up and down Tow Hill. As I was finishing up  and getting ready to head for home, quite suddenly, the sky brightened and the SUN came out! I turned and faced the sun and smiled up into its rays; then decided to take a little sunny selfie, with me looking happy.

In related news, I'm celebrating the three-year anniversary of my daily walks. Or my Walkiversary, as you might say. At the very end of February in 2021, I decided to start walking every day. I typically walk for 45 to 60 minutes. I walk in every kind of weather. I occasionally substitute a swim or a bike ride, but mostly, I walk. Here are my one-year and two-year anniversary notes about it on Blip.

I could go on and on about how good walking is for your physical, mental, and emotional health, but let me link to an article that does that. In short, walking promotes cardiovascular pulmonary fitness, reduces risk of heart disease and strokes, can help manage several health problems, results in stronger bones and better balance, increases muscle strength, and reduces body fat. WHEW!

As for myself, I walk with tunes box and camera, and so I am giving myself a double or even triple or quadruple dose of endorphins: the exercise, the joy of my favorite music, the benefits of fresh air and Vitamin D, the challenge and fun of finding something to photograph each day. I also know my neighborhood in central Pennsylvania better than just about anybody because I WALK every inch of it!

Anyway, I took this selfie and a couple of others, and when I got home, I thought I looked pretty happy in it, so I put it up on Facebook. I called it Here Comes the Sun, Little Darlin'. Like the song. :-)

Later on, several hours later, in fact, my husband and I were sitting in our front yard with our books enjoying the mild afternoon. "Hello, Kitten," he said. But he wasn't talking to me this time. I looked down at my feet. The neighbor kitty, LGK, had come over to join us. So we each had a chair, all three of us, side by side, almost like a little family, with the cat in the middle.

The sun had been coming and going all day, with plenty of clouds, too. But at one point, the light shone brightly onto our yard. "Here comes the sun, little darlin'," my husband said. And I laughed. 

And we moved our chairs into the sun and we basked, together, in its warmth. So I'll let that be my soundtrack song for the day, and for this image. Here are the Beatles, with Here Comes the Sun.

Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's alright
Little darlin', it's been a long, cold, lonely winter
Little darlin', it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say, it's alright

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