Sloppy Joes

I haven't had a sloppy joe in years. Some friends came over, and I wanted to make something easy but didn't want to repeat the spaghetti from last week. Sloppy joes came to mind, and I knew that would be perfect.

In the States, I would always use a packet of spices to make the sauce, but I figured it couldn't be too hard. So I started by frying up the ground pork with onion (ground beef is hard to find here as it's not eaten much in the Thai diet). Then we chopped up a bunch of fresh tomatoes and added some catchup and spices from my cabinet. After that, all it needed was some simmering and a taste test.

As my friends ate, they commented on how messy the sandwiches were. I said that's where they got the name, "sloppy." Insert a bit of an English lesson, and the girls learned a new word over a simple American culture dinner.

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