A View Of An Indescribable Future!

It was a beautiful morning to be alive and to be able to enjoy the freedom we have to come together openly to offer worship and praise to God and fellowship with other believers.  We began our service by lifting our voices in congregational praise which was followed by the welcome from Chris.  The choir, orchestra and all our dedicated accompanists then presented a rousing and rhythmic anthem, "New Name Written Down In Glory" with Julie C. handling the solo parts.  After the congregation joined in a few more songs, Pastor Wes Invited us to look with him at Revelation 22:1-6, where John did his best to tell of the indescribable beauty and wonder of the place that Jesus has prepared for us where there is no more sin or death, and where God is ever present with us and our joy and work is to serve and worship Him.   Pastor Wes had much more to say about all that has happened since the beginning in the original plan that God had to start with the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve and through them and all their offspring to fill creation with the knowledge and love of God.  That plan was broken when Satan twisted God's words and Adam and Eve chose to disobey God's command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Jesus came  to live a perfect life and paid the terrible price through His death on the cross in order to provide a way for man to be reconciled to God.  Pastor Wes said that it all comes down to whose life you are living.  Are you living a life to glorify yourself and satisfy all your earthly appetites or are you living a life that will glorify God and draw others to Him?  I urge you to watch to the Live-stream----it is well worth your time and your spirit will be refreshed and renewed!

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