Day 16

I woke quite early, a patient opposite me having blood sugar tests every hour meant that most of us had broken sleep throughout the night. However I didn’t feel too bad considering, I got into my chair with some assistance at 07:15. An hour later having finished my breakfast I received a heart warming message from a blip friend. I replied immediately and we agreed that if possible we should chat later if possible.
I walked to my first shower in 17 days. Quite challenging but a most enjoyable experience. My cousin B and his wife S visited briefly from Exeter with a delivery of some spare day clothes.
Another delicious roast lamb dinner followed by fruit pie and custard was enjoyed before some phone calls and messages. Before I knew what was happening next I was being woken and asked by someone what I wanted for dinner tomorrow. It was 17:00!
I enjoyed my hummus and roasted vegetable sandwiches before returning to bed.
At 19:20 I received a most wonderful and inspiring video call from Mr & Mrs HCB. For 30 minutes we chatted about our day how grateful we are for every day we have. A very special phone call and certainly one that will help with my recovery from my recent accident.
Still reflecting as I lie here now.
Enjoy your first full week of March everyone.

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