Pilot Whale at Quendale

A windy day and overcast.  Mostly dry, with showers this evening.  No chance getting to see the amazing Northern Lights tonight.

Up early, took my time heading to work.  A steady day of passengers, and most flights on time.  A mix of check-in desk and meeting and boarding flights. Finished on time.  Walkies with Sammy in the rain, now feet up.

Mam and Laura were down at Da Ness over lunchtime, I met them for a walk on my break.  As we strolled along the beach, we could see a dark object in the distance.  As we got closer, it became obvious it was a dead whale, a pilot whale.  Just hope it's had a long healthy life.  The once beautiful animal is now providing a healthy meal for others, plenty of birds were having a munch.  A sad sight on Quendale beach, Dunrossness.  

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