Almost Daffodil Time

There are great drifts of golden yellow daffodils just bursting their buds in the grass opposite the platform at Rhydyronen.   The sunny, slightly less cold days ahead will bring them along nicely before next week's photo charter trains, on one of which I am rostered to be Guard.   I've booked us a nice sunny day!!  (Like this from two years ago will do nicely.)

A day at home, this outing apart although I did  stop at pottery on the way back and started glazing a piece.   I had been hoping to find time to do some making too but the assorted chores filled the morning, including a load of bedding almost dry on the line by dusk.   The afternoon sunshine drew me into the greenhouse to finish planting my miniature garden and pot on a couple of new plants.  

Off to Birmingham again tomorrow so I guess I had better pack before doing anything else this evening.

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