Loughborough Market

We felt fed up with the various options we go to visit most days but hit on Loughborough Market today as Len needed to buy some large prawns for dinner. And to get some ginger biscuits from Marks and Spencer for me.

We parked in the Carillon car park only to discover that the lift on the 3rd floor was out of order. I managed the stairs to the 4th floor easily enough to get the lift there.

This is the view of the flower stall in the market. I also captured a Peppa Pig balloon in Caffè Nero. I have been interested to learn that lots of parents dislike Peppa because she's rude. (extra)

After a latte and a rather dry flapjack touted as gluten free, we returned home where I made some progress on the SoI.

The usual prawns with garlic and ginger for supper.

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