Running repair

Down to the market in the morning, where we obtained baked goods and had a coffee, although the coffee experience was made damp by the same rain that this stallholder was dealing with in her running repairs to the awning over her market stall.

This needs tagging as HipsterLeith, as the stall was for Bambú Living, an eco, plastic free start up.

Luckily the rain did not stay on long, so we had a pleasant day in the living room after getting back from our trip out, during which I read quite a bit more of my book (which, naughtily, is distracting me from the book I'm supposed to be reading for book group...but at the end of the day, I think that I'm free to choose my own reading to ensure that reading does me as much good as possible). In the evening, we caught up with University Challenge and watched a couple of wildlife programmes. A pleasant, gentle, Saturday.

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