Sunday Morning

We had a lovely walk from home this morning. 

Marquees are starting to pop up over Pembroke Park and the Show Grounds in preparation for one of Wānaka’s major annual events- the A+P Show (Agricultural and Pastoral show). It starts this Friday and 44,000 extra people come to town for this event…which is a huge addition to our core population of around 14,000.

Then our American “ family” (just 2 of them) came to say goodbye on their way out of town. We have had a wonderful visit, and it’s sad to see them go. In 1963, my sister spent a year in the US on an American Field Service scholarship…thus started our connection with her host parents, sister and now their children and grandchildren. it is a very special relationship.

Now lots of things to catch up on- including looking at some of your photos before it’s time to prepare tea.

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