
I met a woman thru one of the social groups last winter, she enjoys photography too. We had talked about taking some day trips together, and today was the first chance we had to get out together. She is from Ontario and has only lived here a couple of years, so there is lots of places she has not seen.

I asked her if she had been to Lunenburg and Blue Rocks. She had been to Lunenburg, they had tried to find Blue Rocks, but got lost. The main photo is a view of Lunenburg. I took her in the back way, so we would come out by the golf course where you get this view. Then I took her out to Blue Rocks, and she enjoyed the scenery there. The extra is a photo from Blue Rocks.

It was a beautiful sunny day, the temperature this afternoon was +7 C. More rain in the forecast for tomorrow, but only about 10 - 15 mm. It doesn't sound like much but with rivers running high from the past 2 storms and the snow melt, some places could have some flooding again.

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