Hot choc

World Book Day approaches, this year the kids are invited to decorate a potato as their favourite book character.

CyclopsJnr has decided to participate and that he wants to dress his potato as Harry Potter playing quidditch. He has some clear ideas about what he wants this to look like and his ideas are quite ambitious. He has also shown today that he is very committed to this!

In the morning he made a platform for the potato, cutting out some Hogwarts house logos and making a label by stringing some letter beads. He also made a golden snitch out of a bead and some gold streamers.

After lunch we three took a walk along the cycle paths to Stockbridge with the intention of selecting a baking potato in the right proportions and spending a fiver in the charity shops to get something to make the potato's clothes and hair. We got a ball of black wool and a t-shirt to cut up. On the way home we collected some twigs.

We stopped in at Mimi's Bakehouse for a luxury hot chocolate.

When we got home CyclopsJnr was still keen. He cut up the t-shirt, made a pompom for hair, and fashioned a broomstick out of the twigs. Still more to do tomorrow...

Finally, of course, Gladiators!

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