Juvenile female Downy Woodpecker (picoides pubescens)
This has been the spring of the woodpeckers here on Tallyho. There are so many juvenile woodpeckers around our property that it is almost impossible to look out a window and not see one. And they are just so darned cute - so how could I resist this today? I want to be able to look back on my journal a year, or 2, or 10 from now and remember the sights and sounds of the young woodpeckers. They make a very soft pic-pic-pic call which is what this little lady was doing. I fired off about 30 shots hoping to get one with her beak open - success!
Hubs just left to head to south Jersey for a big race weekend. He is racing with his teammate, who just got cleared to race after undergoing treatment for lung cancer for the past 18 months. So, it is a big weekend in many ways.
Apparently Mimsy (the chipmunk) has company in the Rock Wall - a new chippie, who I've named Lemmy, has been coming to the patio to cadge peanuts. And, not to be outdone, Scar came out of his den under the hose to take a peanut from my hand - a first. Lemmy heard that BikerBear is coming for a visit and has demanded peanuts in return for which she'll pose for picture. She's not to be denied.
Lots of memorable moments today, including two very colorful leafcutter bugs doing the wild thing, Lemmy taking peanuts from my fingers, and Papa Wren continuing to build nests all over the yard ... Eight of my most memorable moments posted on Flickr, starting HERE.
Thank you for the lovely comments on my fuzzy bee yesterday - she buzzed into the Spotlight for a while, which is always fun.
I'm off to saute up some rainbow chard for dinner tonight - the farm had just picked it when I was there yesterday and I couldn't resist. I'm thinking a little lemon, some EVOO and maybe some pine nuts ... and maybe a sprinkle of goat cheese.
It's almost the weekend!
Some notes for myself ... the dark purple buddleia is starting to bloom and the titmice fledglings are being fed up in the trees by their parents. I've only caught a glimpse of the babies, but they make a huge amount of noise as their parents carry dried mealworms up to them...
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