
Taken at 7am - Hovering and creeping the fog drifted up the valleys and 15minutes from when this was taken we were in pea soup fog.  Oh, and btw, this is in colour.  Later it became a very hot 26 degrees.

Three weeks ago my good friend  had a fall and smashed up her shoulder, this coming Tuesday she is having shoulder replacement surgery.  In the midst of this she is shifting into new digs.  All her furniture etc arrived at her new place yesterday afternoon, so I have been with her all day emptying cartons, making beds, shifting furniture, sorting the kitchen, lounge and much more.  Amazing how much got done, but I was hot and knackered by the time I got home.  Still much to do, but her daughter is helping tomorrow.   She will be out of action for a few weeks after surgery.

Thanks for the love given on yesterdays blip, very much appreciated.

A day late with my homage to Joe Tree

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