
My day has been long and full of content. The reason being a concert in the evening where I was in charge of the sound technique. It has involved a lot of planning and of course today with rigging the stage, soundcheck, concert and rigging down. The concert was arranged by an immigrant from a muslim country who has worked a very long time to plan and to make it happen. He called the concert, in translation; "We attach time to the wings of birds", 'Vi fäster tiden vid fåglarnas vingar" in Swedish. It probably sound even better in Arabic. Sixteen people on stage in six different settings, all about music from traditional a
Arabic music performed by a blind elderly man singing and playing a Saz, a tratitional lute-instrument, to rap music performed by Swedish musicians. For my part it was rather complicated but we made it into the peace manifestation it was meant to be. I was really nervous about it because of its complexity but we were all very happy about the result .

I had a lot on my hands and didn't have time to do pictures, this one is from Halimas' part when she was singing to a background track. Now, to bed.

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