
By Kiteseeker

Damp again!

The damp blossom was the best of the bunch. The extra shows the devastation in the Castle woods. My favourite knoll complete with knobbly roots has been severely reduced. The Duchy of Lancaster Estate say that the chief culprit was Ash Die Back.

First of the house valuations. Only a small step along the way but strangely unsettling. Another is booked for Tuesday. One of the consequences of showing someone around is that it really focuses the mind on how much we have accumulated and needs to be gone through and let go. With this in mind took a Charity Bag down to Mind and started to fill another. I want the move to be positive in making us focus on the important things we want to take with us. On a positive note they were impressed with how looked after the house looked and with the work that has been undertaken over a period of time. So I do feel the work I put in may pay off.

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