
I met a holiday maker when out this morning.

He is staying in his camper van in Sells Green and was walking to Devizes along the canal.

I was on my way to Sells Green where I would about turn but he did not stop talking so I turned early and walked with him.

I cannot walk slowly and he struggled to keep my pace when we walked up the flight of locks. He remarked on my fitness and I asked if he'd like me to slow down.

I stopped at the cafe and he deliberated on whether or not to join me for tea - not that I'd invited him. He was good company and I wouldn't have minded but he went on his way.

Jo works part time at the cafe now but Hetty was more interested her ice-cream than in her second mum. 

There was a woman on the next table with two huskies and we were soon chatting.

This afternoon, I went to visit Liz, one of my oldest friends, in her new home. They sold their house and are renting until they find their next home. 

This house is supposed to be giving them a taste of village life because they think they want to live in a village and they want a view. 

I had a thoroughly lovely visit!

A day of mixed weather. I hope March brings less rain.

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