Joe Tree Day

Along with other blippers, I am posting a photo of a tree, this one in Princes Street Gardens to celebrate the creation of the internet site, Blipfoto, by one of our own Edinburghers, Joe Tree back in the day (2004) Now it has become an international site with thousands of people world wide posting photos of their day with or without an accompanying blog.

This morning was sunshiny from the off with blue skies, warmth, and daffodils nodding in a light breeze. I had an early walk into town to buy some healthy life prolonging and enhancing vegetables. So far so good. Two hours later the clouds had rolled in, the sunshine had disappeared along with the warmth and the wind had ushered in a cold draught. Time to get home and make the vegetable stew.

The weekend is here again and the TGIF drinks this afternoon are reinstated after last week’s London Excursion of 2 of our number.

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