Old fashioned

We planted four tomato plants in the middle garden; a beef steak plant, an Italian ovoid shaped one, small size fruit , and an old style tomato. The first in that list has been slow to grown, an just one ripe tomato picked so far. The Italian tomatoes are more numerous, but they seem to be susceptible to pests. The mini-tomato plant has almost overwhelmed the other three plants, has produced a lot of fruit and there is much remaining and still very green.

Not too long ago I was feeling despondent about the old fashioned tomato, as all I could see were a few small green ones. This week we have enjoyed these large tomatoes, and still have more coming.

Meat Loaf sang that "two out of three ain't bad". An with the tomatoes two out of four is likely to become threeout of four being successful. Which certainly isn't bad.

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