Joe Tree day

Two trees l like:
Coconut palm trees  - what a marvelous tree, every part of this tree is used, it is the tree of life for a large part of the Pacific and SE Asia. The trunk is used for building houses and bridges, the leaves are used for clothing, baskets, thatching roofs.  The husk of the coconut is used for making ropes and mats, the shell for cups and bowls and the fruit for eating, drinking and in  cosmetics and natural medicines.  
The second tree  (extra 1) is a lonely tree at the very most northern part of mainland NZ.   The Maoris believe that when a person dies the spirit makes it's way up to the top of the island, up the coast, along 90 mile beach,  across the top, up Spirit Bay before taking leave of NZ to another world.  So, if you like, Coconut palms give life, the tree at the top of NZ says goodbye to that life.

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