A Frond at Dobbies

As it was the last day of the month we just had to go to Dobbies to claim our free drink and cake. Besides, we didn't have anything else on.

A grey day. The sun did try to penetrate the cloud cover this afternoon but failed. Colder weather is forecast for tomorrow. We had our usual ham, eggs and chips. Basil ate much of my ham having neglected to eat his breakfast before leaving the house.

We also bought some plants for the garden. Goodness knows when they will be planted.

Back home, I realised that the statement of intent I had been writing would be far, far too long. I need a very different mind set, but I didn't do anything about it instead preferring to watch clips of GoT on my phone. I've got the gist of the story now and an insight into the characters. It's like medieval Europe on steroids.

Tuned into a very instructive and entertaining talk on My Photo Club via zoom. Jet Lendon enthusing about using phone cameras for photography, it's eminently doable as I have already proved to myself. Inspired, I've even bought a selfie stick that doubles as a tripod. Very useful for upskirting flowers.

This frond was a decoration in the disabled loo at Dobbies. Taken with my phone of course.

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