Where o where has the Police Station gone?

Until fairly recently this was the local police station.  This is all that was left when we went into town today.  I don't know why it had to be demolished other than that a combined fire, police and ambulance station is being built on another site.

Interesting day today starting with an 8
30am appointment for Rob with a doctor at the surgery.  Very thorough and keen to make sure that Rob is getting the medication he needs.

That was followed a little later by a visit for Rob to the National Institute for Conductive Education in Birmingham where they help people with mobility difficulties.  They are a charity and they are currently offering an initial consultation to people with Parkinson's Disease to be followed if suitable by 6 weekly group sessions to help control and support some of the symptoms of PD.  They were very thorough and caring and Rob and I came away feeling very positive.  They will send us a report and details of the sessions they think will be suitable for Rob.

This afternoon an engineer came to look at our vehicle charger and it passed its fitness test.  After a long conversation and some trial and error we worked it out that it was something to do with my set up of the charging schedule in the car.  So the very helpful young man looked at that with me and we hope we have sorted it out.  To.orrow morning will be the testing time when we find out if it has charged overnight..

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