
I was on my way to help out the WoL crew (wire brushing rusty old railings at St Marks Park) and just snapped this from the bus stop on the Shore. Had the feeling that tree was leaning a lot more out of the vertical than formerly. Had to wait till I got home to find a previous blip of them. Have passed on the pic to the WOLCT, in case they think it's worth investigating. The tree guards, by the way, were installed by the council to protect them from dogs - not the usual widdling, but some local seems to have trained his dog to bite the tree trunks. It had done quite a lot of damage. Leith, eh?

Another old blip I found, for fans of the recently passed and hugely missed Old Bat, was a photo of her at her retirement lunch. I didn't name her in the text, but cabbagetree spotted who it was from the other side of the planet!

Oh, and happy birthday to Joe Tree!

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