I do love my club...

Definitely vegetables with this meal! I do love asparagus! Always think of the wild asparagus on my sister / brother in law's land and wonder how lovely that must taste! 
As hoped for, an easier day in the unit today, got to phoning customers in the afternoon (couple of orders so far, hoping for more tomorrow). But I did get "shouted at" by Phil - he really struggles that I do all I can to help the reps, make their life easier etc. And that I can't help being honest / transparent... Although he's a kind man at heart, he was a Pieroth manager for many years: inevitably that top-down, controlling, cynical culture has rubbed off on him a little... But he was kind and "soft" with me later - I think he was maybe embarrassed to have been "aggressive" with me... I once wrote an MBA assignment on leadership, comparing the traditional view of leadership as being "getting people to do what you need them to" with my preferred definition as being "the release of human possibility" (quote from Joseph Jaworski)... 
Anyway, despite living dangerously in the first half, Liverpool's team of teenagers came through in glorious fashion, all 3 goals scored by 18 year olds!! And the atmosphere was phenomenal, even for Anfield... 

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