Morning walk

Had a good walk this morning and thanks to the stupid bus driver who got the route wrong when I caught the bus home, I had to walk an extra half mile, uphill! He was almost 20 minutes late at the first stop after leaving the bus station and then he went the wrong way while avoiding a road closure (due to roadworks). I pressed the bell to stop and he continued past 4 bus stops at least before turning left at traffic lights and stopping at the next stop. None of the other 89s were going that way due to the road closure, only this idiot.
Apparently the reason for going past the 4 stops on Prescot Rd, was because the 89 doesn't stop at these - of course it doesn't since it doesn't go past any of them. However, he had let the Freckleton Rd shop bloke off at a non-89 stop so why not me? all the buses I'd seen before his and after went past our avenue, not so far up Prescot Rd.
I swear that this 89 service is the very worst. There was a young man on the bus who got off where I did and he was also unhappy with having to walk a long way back due to the daft route.
Extra is of some blossom trees I passed this morning but the photo doesn't do them justice.
Terry set off without his crutches today and had taken a couple of steps when he thought "Sh*t!" He is moving better every day. the physio rang to see how he was doing and was very pleased with his progress.

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