Ivy Tree

Today's the day  . . . . . . . . . . for a cross-section 

Back in January, in one of the named storms that we had, one of the trees in the garden blew down.  It sounds more dramatic than it was because actually, it had been dead for quite a number of years.

It was completely covered in ivy - and in fact we used to call it the Ivy Tree.  It was much loved by the birds that fed on its berries, at a time when there wasn't a lot to eat elsewhere.  And it was a great place to hide away for the smaller birds when the Sparrowhawk swooped in for a  visit. 

It wasn't a big tree and the inside of it was quite rotten so it wasn't a surprise that the force of the wind had been enough to push it over.   Will spent an afternoon chopping it up into firewood and this is a section through the main trunk.  The small circles round the edge are cross-sections through the ivy that twined around it.

It does make quite an interesting pattern . . . . . 

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