In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius


Lets dance

watch (the digital light show)


Inspired by my pain research group (LoP) I went to see my first ever live contemporary dance last night. I say "dance" it was a collaboration with electronic music, virtual reality like computer programmed light patterns each of which could be a standalone work. But here the whole, far exceed the sum of the parts, with immaculate synchronicity between all three. I was amazed on reading a review that it was also the lead dancer singing briefly, whilst dancing.

Something I'll interpret more with time especially links to pain experience. I'd love to see it again - and may well do in Leicester, diary permitting.

My sole shot above was interrupted by the lightening intervention of the steward.

A highlight was when planes / sheets of smoke clouds were moving simultaneously behind, upwards and across passing through each other and the amazing lead dancer Jemima Brown; the sole dancer for the 30 mins of Surge.

Just exceptional & spell-binding. Much wooping  by the woman sat by me and yours truly.

Otherwise today two "just need to do" medical consultations and tonight the deep joy an RFU Safeguarding process web meeting.


The Guardian - Review

Music electronic  / cinematic...
WEN – Rain (rember hearing this last night)

 Ital Tek – Phantom Pain

Tom Dale Company (Nottingham) - Choreography, Production
VENT MEDIA (Nottingham) - Light Patterns
Music for Surge  OST - ITAL TEK
Music for Sub:Version Album EPHEM:ERA by WEN
Lead Dancer - Jemima Brown

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