Is this in focus?

As anyone who knows me could tell you I am a lover of specs and I decided that although I’m not due an eye exam for a couple of months yet I’d bring it forward because a few pairs of specs had caught my eye when I ‘accidentally’ drifted into Specsavers.
So an early morning booking. It was a very comprehensive examination. Previously there had been interest in where the optic nerve connects to the left eye and although it hadn’t got worse the optom decided that she’d like to repeat the retinal scam with dilated eyes. She also said the peripheral vision test wasn’t brilliant in my left eye so she wanted to pass the details to the eye consultants for a second opinion but also wanted me to try the peripheral vision test again. Second time was much better; I think I remembered to blink! And the second retinal scam seemed OK. So nothing to worry about; just repeat in a year. But I was left with dilated eyes and fuzzy vision with no blip in the can!
My eyes are still dilated but I expect the pic started off in focus because my phone didn’t have eye drops. But a bit of Brushstroke and Inkwork has created a slightly out of focus look At least I think it has or it might just be my eyes! These stairs are underneath the market so that’s another blip of market steps.
And I couldn’t order new specs because I couldn’t see myself in focus. So that pleasure awaits me tomorrow.

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