Cape Cowslip

Lachenalia aloides.   A South African bulb from a genus which has a wide range of species which sometimes come in dramatic colours.   This is probably one of the most widely grown.    Lachenalias are not frost hardy so are not suitable for growing outside in UK gardens .... although someone in the Scilly Isles or a similarly favoured location may disagree.   Here, 400 yards from the sea on the west coast of Wales, I grow them in a cold greenhouse but bring the pots into my porch in the coldest weather and have kept them there since the last cold snap.  The well lit, cool, frost free conditions suit them well and they doubtless appreciate how the sun warms the space for a few hours on fine days.   An added bonus, I get to see a lot more of them as they're visible from the kitchen by day.   (This pic a slight cheat, was taken outside in sun yesterday.  I took some pics by flash this evening .... but they don't do the flowers justice.)

A good meeting with someone from the new contract managers at Ruth's this morning.   As one of the Staying Independent at Home team from BCC was also there it served us well in terms of pushing a few things along.  Next step will be a visit from specialist kitchen designers.  We are still chasing the OT's for action promised last July wrt the bathroom .... so the battle is a long way from won.   It shouldn't be a battle .... but sadly it is :-(

Later I cut up and bagged a heap of rose prunings that Ruth has accumulated, ready for the green waste collection while Ruth and a support worker went shopping.  There was also a half hour zoom chat organising N Wales AGS group stuff.   After tea with Ruth I drove back home, barely saw a car in the last forty five miles over the mountains from Welshpool.  Home sweet home!

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