Eilean Donan Castle

The weather had changed this morning with rain overnight.  Nevertheless the sun appeared as we set off this morning on our drive to Kendal.  Despite the sat nav taking us to the ferry at first rather than the bridge over to the mainland we soon arrived at the Eilean Donan Castle, a 13th century castle, stopping at two locations to take some photos.  Unfortunately the first stop had the sun in the wrong direction despite waiting awhile.  We then moved to the castle grounds carpark where this image was taken.  Funnily enough it rained heavily a few seconds later, those clouds must have been behind us as I didn’t see them coming.

We then had a long journey passing close to Ben Nevis and Glencoe, areas I hadn’t seen before. Then alongside Loch Lomund.  Unfortunately we reached Glasgow during the rush hour but eventually made it to our accommodation for the night.  What a great time we have had exploring so many different locations in Scotland, each with their own differences and qualities. 

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