Place: Largo, FL 52/77
Main activity: Tues - coffee w/ Carlene, TJs, North Shore park/beach
Notes: So tired in the morning, was tough to wait until nearly 9a to drive south and then just exhausted and felt like I could sleep all day, hardly remembered most of the drive. Coffee and Carlene was amazing tho ... met w/ her nearly 2 hrs, gave her the small gift and great conversation. From there, still hadn't heard from Ellen or Jana so headed toward TJs and called Nancy on the way to see if she wanted to go w/. Heard from Ellen and Jana then and dropped the fridge stuff at Nancy's, changed into short and tee and we both went to meet them at North Shore park. Sat in chairs near the water for quite awhile, they ate. Then we packed chairs and walked north toward the volleyball courts and spent some time out in the water - was just a fantastic day and great to reunite w/ friends (did not have any desire to return to Largo). Got back 4p, quick shower, put food away and am still feeling the tiredness but ready to relax for the evening. To bed early, just couldn't stay awake.

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