pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

be a fool who sits alone waiting for you

My class have been growing some food in our allotment - check out these radishes! They were so excited and pleased with their efforts. There are also some tiny baby carrots, salad and strawberries. We're gonna make a salad with all the stuff tomorrow, which will be fun.

In the morning I went to the doctor who checked out my right ear and it turns out it's pretty perhaps my hearing isn't as impaired as I thought initially! Just needs unblocking (seems like the wrong verb?)

The kids have also been making their own film trailers using the iMovie app on the iPads and having soooooo much fun. I love this style of learning - it's so creative and the kids absolutely love it. Good stuff.

Got some TOMS espadrilles and suddenly my feet don't hurt anymore and neither does my back - it's like magic!

Off to yoga now....don't think my day could get any more positive :) yay!

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