Poor visibility navigation

After an interminable funding meeting this morning I blasted away the cobwebs by putting out the course for tomorrow's Night Nav Ninjas fun competition. 
I set off from home already in full winter waterproofs and briefly regretted not having goggles when I went through the gate onto the open fell. I've never set foot on this hill before, and whilst small it was viciously steep, I'll be giving a safety briefing tomorrow.
The first two points were a proper fight, I wanted to navigate using map and compass (marker location checked by GPS for fairness to tomorrow's competitors). Even having doubled my usual pace count (on a good day on this terrain I might have added 30%) to measure 400m I was out by 50m, the going was that tough. Fortunately the contours made it obvious I wasn't there, and I think it's still a fair course that I've set them.
As I turned to point 3 (/8) I expected to be full into the gale and wind, but instead I could actually see and stand up straight. Today's pic was taken at #4 and by 6 I'd taken off the waterproof jacket.
The ankle ached a lot, but the soul felt fed and my face has a red glow that I'm sure will fade. 

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