En Vacance

I was at Café Bavard last night which is a monthly gathering from the French class I do online. The theme was 'en vacance' and we were to bring in our favourite holiday photo for a competition. The winner will get this framed by a professional photographer (the teachers brother!).

I almost didn't make Café Bavard as when walking the 45 mins down, I encountered 2 dogs running amok across the main roads in a very frightened state. I managed to secure them with some help from passers by and tracked down the very worried owners (turns out the dogs escaped from the house).

They almost got wiped out twice by speeding motorists. I have no idea how they are still alive! It made me 30 mins late but it was worth it!

Today was spent in and out of online meetings. Badminton got cancelled tonight which I'm annoyed about but hey ho!

PS the holiday snap was taken a few years back up at Killin. The good old Scottish weather in July was typical and this was L standing on Loch Tay looking for the sun!

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