Fishermen on Blue Waters / What Lies Beneath

It had been quite some time since we'd visited Bald Eagle State Park, and the weather was gorgeous and sunny and spring-like. So when my husband suggested we go there on this day, I was delighted! He wanted to jog, and of course, I would go hiking, with camera and tunes box.

We parked the car along Skyline Drive, and while he ran whichever way he pleased, I walked down to the frog pond, and from there, down to the lake, near the winter launch. They have cleared a lot of brush out between the frog pond and the lake itself. The lake is drawn down at this time of year, and so everything that lies beneath was exposed to view.

There are big piles of rocks on top of mud (improved fish habitat!) that we can see now, and so the creatures who were with me checked those out with great interest. In the extras, you may see the Moose, Tiny Tiger, and the Anteater surveying the strange, lunar-like landscape. 

The Anteater got its snout stuck in one of those thingies you're supposed to put your fishing pole into on the little fishing pier. But we managed to work the snout free. Whew! Lesson learned!

I love the sight of fishermen, fishing on quiet waters. And so the shot above is the one I've picked to be my main photo for the day. Do you see the shine of light on water? Do you feel the peace?

I have two photos, so here are two soundtrack songs. For the fishermen on their boat on these quiet blue waters, I've got the Zac Brown Band and Jimmy Buffett, with A Pirate Looks at Forty. For the scene in the extras, I've picked a favorite David Bowie tune, Underground, from a film I love, Labyrinth. Actually, here are two versions: the official Bowie video (favorite comment: "How long are you going to obsess over this song from a movie older than you?" It's only forever. . . . It's not long at all.), and this one featuring scenes from the film.

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