High Street.

Took this of our High St when I called into the charity shop to drop a bag of bits off. Picked up a new book to read while I was there.

Audiologist was impressed with my GP's diagnoses, she said generally Doctors, especially young ones don't know a great deal about ears. I suppose these days a lot is referrals. Anyway, she said my eardrum is tightly sucked into my middle ear, which is the pressure I feel. She agreed I have Eustachian tube dysfunction. It could be twisted or kinked, which is why it won't clear. I need ENT referral, which my GP has done, but not sure how long it will take to be seen. May have to think about raiding our savings and going private. For now I need to continue with my steroid spray, steaming and trying to clear with the otovent balloon.

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