Pine Tree in the Parc of Lavez les Bains

On my birthday in December I was given a voucher for an entry into the thermal baths with a buffet lunch afterwards. Josiane had received one too so we invited David to join us for lunch. I doubt I shall have to eat for a couple of days, what a feast we had! During the course of the meal we found out a bit of the history of the water that we had been swimming/relaxing in….
“After a never-ending journey the Lavey Springs surface at 62°C. In fact, the water moves through the cracks of the crystalline rock and gently heats up to reach 120°C. Its journey takes it to a depth of 3,000 m and can last more than 5,000 years. It then rises more quickly to the surface through another network of cracks and emerges at Lavey at a temperature of 65°C, making it the hottest spa water in Switzerland.” Of course it is mixed with cold water before entering the pools.
No photos were allowed in the pools so we took a few just in the park outside the Spa. A very different and luxurious day for me.

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