
My common but gorgeous orchids are such a lift in the drab, dark days of late winter. This is one I purchased at the floral shop section of a local grocery store, but one behind it is a plant I coaxed into re-blooming. A little water once a week, a southern diffused light location and I chat with them everyday, thanking them for the hope and happiness they bring us. Thankfully, Raven and Fianna never bother them.

Orchids are old...

"Orchids are one of the oldest flowering plants known to man. Biologists at Harvard University discovered a fossilized bee carrying orchid pollen dating back at least 15 million years. Scientists have speculated that orchids have been around much longer than that, possibly as much as 100 million years.

Orchid hunting in Victorian times was no joke...

In Victorian times, people were struck with “Orchidelirium,” as orchid collecting reached its peak. Wealthy fanatics dispatched explorers to exotic locations in search of new orchid colors, shapes, and textures. Victorians were so mystified by the orchid’s irresistible beauty that the flower became a status symbol and was displayed like a treasure in the home.

Orchids are suitable for eating (sort of)...

Look in the pantry of almost every American household, and you’re likely to find a byproduct of one specific variety of orchid. One of the most common food preparation ingredients, vanilla, is actually cultivated from a seed pod of the vanilla orchid. This plant is native to Mexico and Belize, and also grows in other subtropical areas, such as Tahiti and Madagascar."

For the Record,
This day came in with sun, a slight drizzle and more sun with warming temperatures. I had a friend over for lunch, a great afternoon.
All hands cozy.

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