
By Mindseye

Stressed n stroppy

I’m usually an easygoing person, but today has pushed me over the edge!

Up early to drop C off for his bus to pick up a vehicle…. Didn’t come, next one 2 hours later. Office said take the train & then a taxi. Off to the station, dropped him there…. train was 40 mins late. Took him 3hrs to get to the middle of nowhere, only to be told the vehicle wasn’t there! Oh you’d best make your own way home then….. 4 hours later back home…..

Meanwhile, I drove back West, stopped for a coffee & sandwich for lunch, as the mornings faffing had me running late!
Home, unpacked the car, opened my mail, rang British Gas to sort out what I owe them as I’m switching…… a long wait as you can see from the screenshot :-/ in the end I had to hang up when I was 9th in the queue as I needed to be at the GPs for my new patient health check. Made it with 5 mins to spare, but I’d almost ran, no wonder my blood pressure was high!! Had to sit & calm down……. still higher than last check, but better. Took blood for full checks…. not looking forward to those results!! So that’s it now, no more sweet stuff or too many naughty carbs! This extra weight has got to go!!

Been to Pilates tonight, spinach omelette for tea…… it’s a start ;-)

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